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Major General Bruce

Major General Bruce

The afternoon's events opened with the Field Gun race and other demonstrations by the cadets. After the gun run the Major General went on to observe the Marine's CQB demonstration, and the Navy's demonstration of a section attack and target indication on a paintball range, showcasing their marksmanship skills. The RAF conducted a reconnaissance and communications demonstration using drones and radios to show how drones can be utilised to identify targets on the ground. Lastly, the Army worked with the RAF section to conduct a section attack using the information gathered by the drone reconnaissance.

The afternoon concluded with the whole corps parade. The Major General praised all CCF cadets and staff on what they have achieved on the day and the high standards they presented. This was the first inspection since 2019 due to pandemic restrictions and all CCF cadets and staff worked extremely hard to ensure the day was successful. Their efforts paid off and the day was a resounding success.

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